Query Customers

Businesses will perform two actions in this model: query customers and collect customer responses to update their position and item price.

Query customers → Businesses will send their neighbors every possible position and item_price change combination.

  • Position changes: [ [-1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, -1], [0, 1] ]
  • Item_price changes: item_price + 1, item_price, item_price - 1

Collect customer responses → Businesses will collect and store all the customer responses to determine the position and item_price combination with the largest profit

This action can be split into three separate functions within business.js: send_message, price_messaging, movement_messaging.

Let’s start with sending the message. send_message() will add messages to state.messages with a neighbor agent_id, position, item_price, and rgb. Add this function to business.js.

const send_message = (agent_id, position, price) => {
  state.addMessage(agent_id, "business_movement", {
    rgb: state.rgb,

rgb is sent so we can visually see which business a customer chooses to shop at

The next step is to create the price_messaging() function. This function will receive the neighbor's agent_id and position change, iterate through the possible item_price values, and call send_message to notify all possible neighbors.

const price_messaging = (agent_id, position) => {
  const item_price = state.item_price;

  send_message(agent_id, position, item_price);
  send_message(agent_id, position, item_price + 1);

  if (item_price > 1) {
    send_message(agent_id, position, item_price - 1);

Notice here how we check if the item_price is greater than 1. This is important as we don’t want the item_price to drop below 0.

The final function we are going to create for querying Customers is movement messaging; however, since this will be our top level function we are going to name it query_customers(). In this function, business agents are going to iterate through their Customer neighbors and send them all possible position and item_price change combinations.

const query_customers = (neighbors, state_position) => {
  const possible_movement = [
    [-1, 0],
    [0, 0],
    [1, 0],
    [0, -1],
    [0, 1],

    .filter((n) => n.behaviors.includes("customer.js"))
    .forEach((n) => {
      possible_movement.forEach((movement) => {
        const new_position = [
          state_position[0] + movement[0],
          state_position[1] + movement[1],
        price_messaging(n.agent_id, new_position);

You can test your new code by placing the following snippet underneath your function declarations and looking at the Raw Output view tab.

query_customers(context.neighbors(), state.position);

Find the messages field for a Business agent and it should be filled with “business_movement” type messages.

Since Business agents are sending around 100 (neighbors) x 6 (positions) x 3 (prices) messages at one time, we don’t want this to occur every time step. We'll add a counter to ensure it happens at the rate we want.

  1. Add the HASH shared behavior Counter (shortname: @hash/counter/counter.rs) to your simulation and add the counter behavior to your business agents BEFORE your behavior business.js. (You want the counter to increment before business.js is called)
  2. In init.json give your Business agents three more variables:
  3. counter: 0
  4. counter_reset_at: 2
  5. counter_reset_to: 0

In the business.js behavior, wrap the query_customers() call in the following if statement:

if (state.counter === 0) {
  query_customers(context.neighbors(), state.position);

The behavior Counter adds a counter variable to every business agent that will automatically increment at each time step. This ensures that query_customers() is only called every 3 time steps.

const behavior = (state, context) => {
  const send_message = (agent_id, position, price) => {
    state.addMessage(agent_id, "business_movement", {
      rgb: state.rgb,

  const price_messaging = (agent_id, position) => {
    const item_price = state.item_price;
    send_message(agent_id, position, item_price);
    send_message(agent_id, position, item_price + 1);
    if (item_price > 1) {
      send_message(agent_id, position, item_price - 1);

  const query_customers = (neighbors, state_position) => {
    const possible_movement = [
      [-1, 0],
      [0, 0],
      [1, 0],
      [0, -1],
      [0, 1],
      .filter((n) => n.behaviors.includes("customer.js"))
      .forEach((n) => {
        possible_movement.forEach((movement) => {
          const new_position = [
            state_position[0] + movement[0],
            state_position[1] + movement[1],
          price_messaging(n.agent_id, new_position);

  if (state.counter === 0) {
    query_customers(context.neighbors(), state.position);